A member asked:

I had testicular torsion and had surgery 6 weeks ago. i still have a scab on my scrotum that comes and goes how can i treat it to make it dissappear. i take shower everyday and wash it with soap and water. i put no vase on it and don't cover it?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Christine Hom answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Six weeks after surgery your wound should be closed and might possibly have some scab still. Washing every day with soap and water is the right treatment. It will close eventually, gradually. If it is not getting smaller, please consult your surgeon.

Answered 3/6/2023



Try to protect it with a small piece of gauze or dressing. If it does not heal in a few days pl see your surgeon.

Answered 3/6/2023



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