A member asked:

I had anal fistula, my cutting seton was fell of about two weeks ago, my surgery wound was about to close but all of the sudden i see a red swallowed area and the wound is not closed now with a painful red swelling area, is my healing process failed?

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Try Anusol HC cream,. Good Luck

Answered 11/1/2022



No. It could be a small blood clot. Do sitz baths three times a day and let your surgeon evaluate the area.

Answered 11/2/2022



Your healing process has not failed but may not be normal because you have what is called granulation tissue that is probably a little bit more and may heal with some prominence of the scar. Sitz bath and good hygiene would help reduce chances of infection and it is important to follow up with your doctor. Increase healthy oil, water and fiber in your diet to improve easy bowel movement.

Answered 11/2/2022



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