A member asked:

If im wiping and i go to look at the paper to see if theres anything, would i get sick if i accidentally inhale poop particles ? paper was about 1ft away, did it a couple times to see if there was blood. am i over exaggerating?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes. You will not suffer any health effect from what you described. For healthy diet: http://www.choosemyplate.gov/., exercise 30 minutes/day, drink enough water daily so your urine is mostly colorless, have safe sex, no tobacco alcohol weed or street drugs. Get HPV vaccine. Wish you good health! Safe sex: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/safer-sex-guidelines

Answered 9/26/2022



You are creating a problem for yourself that has evidence of self transmission. If you inhale other peoples feces or raw sewage infected with many other strains of viruses than you very well can be infected with COVID, SARS. and EBOLA.

Answered 9/26/2022



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