A member asked:

How common is it for someone to get testicular cancer after losing one testicle to testicular torsion? i'm scared that if it is more common, what will happen if i might lose the other one. i've not got testicular cancer just to clear that one up?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hiep Le answered

Specializes in Nephrology and Dialysis

No, it is not a common cancer, about 1 out of every 250 men and boys will be diagnosed with the disease during their lifetime. History of testicular torsion is not a risk factor for this malignancy.

Answered 5/17/2022



It is not any commoner than the normal incidence. Have your Urologist teach you how to self examine the testicle and do it every two or three months. wear a guard when you play any contact sport. You will be fine.

Answered 5/17/2022



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