A member asked:

On the left side of my vagina when push i can feel a weird mass. i am currently on my period. i practice safe sex with condoms. i only take ibuprofen for headaches. theres no pain. its just freaking me out. any help will ease my mind?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Franklyn Gergits answered

Specializes in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery

Hello. It’s hard to say what you are sensing/feeling. As a young healthy woman, the likelihood hood of anything serious is remote. Just to be sure, it’s best to see your Gyn. They will perform a detailed examination and often times they may have an Ultrasound in their clinic that can examine this area in much more detail. I hope this helps. All my best.

Answered 12/26/2021



Rather than "freaking out," seek information. Start with your OBGyn. Call to schedule an examination. It is important to have a General Dentist and General Physician who track your baseline data. It is important to have appropriate specialists to care for more extensive problems. As most changes are benign, the best thing you can do is have yourself checked out.

Answered 12/26/2021



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