A member asked:

Ive had white tissue like stuff that keeps on appearing on my vulva. ive also have many different symptoms like cuts, yeast infections, and irritation of the vagina and vulva. ive been "treated" with meds and creams but it hasn't worked. please help?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

At 16 years old, it should be simple to figure out. The main thing is, "What did the doctor find on exam when he or she used a flashlight to examine the labia on the left and the right, and at the top where the clitoris is? Pulling on the labia helps the exam. What did he or she find in the vagina (the left, right, front, back, and end)? Did the cervix feel or look ok?" A follow-up exam can help.

Answered 6/7/2021



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