A member asked:

What can be the reason of dark brown, dark red mucus in stool? can it be due to unhealed anal fissure? but i don't feel anal fissure pain now, just a little burning after bowel. i don't have any pain in abdomen + calprotectin+crp tests are ok?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

An unhealed fissure might be the cause, but unlikely if the bloody mucus is mixed with stool. Having had CRP and calprotectin tests suggests you have a doctor who is evaluating you for inflammatory bowel disease. You should address this question to that doctor. Or if you've veen testing yourself on your own, without professional advice, find a doctor, ideally a gastroenterologist.

Answered 4/28/2021



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