A member asked:

Mother has a lip cold sore, but takes medication for it. after she touched it, she gave me a cup. i washed my hands after touching it once but continued to use it. i went to the restroom and accidentally touched myself when wiping. will i get herpes?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Binod Verma answered

Specializes in Dentistry

No doubt Herpes is contagious but the way you are describing , most likely you should not get the infection so quickly. If symptoms start ,you must see your Physician.

Answered 3/13/2021



Low risk from any one episode but certainly possible. More episodes = higher risk. Prevalence world wide = 60-90%, higher in low income countries, progressively lower in higher income countries. “Usual” mode of spread is direct contact - lip to lip or via saliva. But certainly can be spread by touching or on glasses, cups, etc

Answered 3/13/2021



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