A member asked:

My circumcised penis is sensitive. specifically the skin bottom of the shaft. no trouble getting erection. during sex the sensitivity causes me to ejaculate within 2 to 3 minutes. besides desensitizing condom, other way to desensitize or thicken skin?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. George Klauber answered

Specializes in Pediatric Urology

Anesthetic gel: 2% xylocaine or lidocaine gel applied to head of penis will both act as alubricant to reduce friction & as reducing skin sensation. Combination of 2 effects will prolong time between penile insertion & ejaculation. Try it, you might like it as well as you have nothing to lose because anesthesia effects will be gone within 15 - 30 minutes.

Answered 2/23/2021



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My circumcised penis is too sensitive how can i desensutive it?

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