A member asked:

I had pap test and colposcopy the last november . i was diagnosed with cin1/lsil and cervical ectopy, high level of leukocytes, large number of cocobacilla and bacterial vaginosis. could you explain does hpv causes cin1? there was no hpv in the pap.

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Different tests: PAP does not detect HPV, but detects the effects of it like CIN. You should still get HPV vaccine to prevent infection with other strains of HPV. Follow your doctor's about repeat PAPs and other surveillance. HPV does cause CIN and can cause worse.

Answered 4/14/2020



HPV and CIN1: CIN1 is cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and it’s not cancer, but precancerous. The number 1 means that it’s low-grade or has low potential for becoming cancerous. As for cause, it can be due to certain types of HPV or it can occur without HPV as well. Meaning other factors like smoking/environment/genetic risk can play a role. Follow up with your doctor as recc. for repeat testing.

Answered 4/20/2020



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