A member asked:

I went for urine test doctor say my urine clean,i had discharge from penis when i having bowl he say can be stdhe put injection and give antibioticstablets take onetime asked my gf willget infected he said no but can check.she don't have any syptoms?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Rules of the road: Generally, the rule is that if STD is suspected, the patient gets lab tests done to look for the more common STD's. Tests may include urine tests, blood tests, and genital or throat swabs. If confirmed to have an STD, the patient's partner gets tested also, with or without symptoms. Some people have more than one STD at a time. Diagnosis is important because treatments vary depending on which STD.

Answered 11/21/2020


Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

Urethral discharge: Discharge from the penis with defecation isn't necessarily abnormal; it happens to many healthy men from time to time. However, if your doctor diagnosed an STD like gonorrhea, chlamydia, or nongonococcal urethritis, your GF should be tested and treated. Most of these cause no symptoms in women; if there is uncertainty, it's best she be treated.

Answered 3/1/2020



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