A member asked:

Is it okay to perform oral sex on a girl? what are the risks? is checking my mouth for visible bleedings prior a date a good enough safety measure?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Depends: Understand that you will ingest (eat) any germ this girl has in the area & could become infected in your throat. If you are not worried about Gonorrhea or other STD's you can do as you wish.There is always some risk with any partner activity regarding sex.

Answered 4/14/2017



Oral sex- dental dam: Oral sex is relatively low risk sexual activity. The advantage is that there is no risk of pregnancy for your partner. There is some risk for STD transmission from your partner to you. It is wise to use a barrier between your mouth and her genitalia such as a dental dam or plastic wrap. You should also use an unlubricated condom if your partner performs oral sex on you.

Answered 4/14/2017



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