A member asked:

I had sex 5 years ago & after 5 years thish month i tested my std panel all negative. but hsv1/2 igg positive and igm negative dr said u nt have hsv !

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

HSV: The test results suggest prior exposure to HSV (sexual OR non-sexual type) but no active infection at this time.

Answered 12/8/2020


Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

Can't tell HSV1 vs 2: Your doctor is mistaken: you do have HSV. However, the HSV 1/2 test does not distinguish between HSV1 (usuallly oral) and HSV2 (almost always genital and always an STD). In India, most people have HSV1 by age 20, usually acquired in childhood, so that's the likely explanation. But you could also have HSV2. You need a truly type specific blood test to tell whether you have HSV1, HSV2, or both.

Answered 5/28/2017



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