A member asked:

I kissed my bf and gave oral sex briefly 5 days after my cold sore healed. i woke up the next day with prodrome and now have a new sore. what are the %risk to transmit to oral and/or genital hsv1?

6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Brad Douglas answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

See below: The risk for transmitting if he does not already have hsv _ which he might already - is about 80%.

Answered 5/21/2017



Depends: If you have herpes type 1, your boyfriend is probably already infected as most adults are. If you want to know there is a blood test.Most infected people have no symptoms. Those who have symptoms are contagious between attacks but more contagious at the onset of an attack. Pills are used to control symptoms and reduce transmission of the virus. You need a prescription.

Answered 12/5/2018


Dr. Scott Bobbitt answered

Specializes in Dentistry

VERY HIGH: New prodrome likely from trauma to lips but may be unrelated, coincidental. The risk of infection to your sexual partner can be high during an outbreak, but some suggest that 95% of infected people will shed the hsv virus-even between outbreaks, while others suggest the risk is low. Soapbox: practice safe sex, use a condom/dam and inform your partner(s). It’s their life you may affect and infect.

Answered 5/21/2017



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