Any : Any smaller size is possible, but the risks and the benefits of the procedure need to be well understood before proceeding. Some parts of the breast reduction are not reversible.
Answered 10/3/2016
The : The breasts can be essentially completely removed in what would be considered a subtotal or subcutaneous mastectomy. However, as the amount of tissue is removed the potential for complete loss of nipple sensitivity, viability and lactation is increased.
Answered 10/4/2016
Yes: The concern with the amount of tissue removed is related to blood flow to the remaining tissue; if too much tissue is removed in one operation the blood flow to the remaining tissue (including nipple/areola) may be compromised. part of the tissue that is left in place is called the “pedicle"; this segment of tissue is responsible for delivering the blood supply to the nipple/areola tissue.
Answered 4/27/2013
Ask Plastic surgeon: The question, 'can it be done' is easily answered in the affirmative.But the main concern with someone wanting to be an 'a' cup is that their frame i.e.Chest circumference and width will be relatively too big and they will look flat chested unless they are a size 26-30 inch chest circumference.On average a 34-36 inch chest circ patient needs a 'b' cup volume.So before you get set on a cup'a' see md.
Answered 9/4/2013
No limit: Discuss your goals with your plastic surgeon. For patients who desire as small of a breast as possible an a cup can be created.
Answered 9/28/2016
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