Wash hands: Cold sores are caused by hsv type 1. It is possible to transmit this to the vagina so washing your hands is important. Hsv 1 is less common on the genitals though with less than a 5% recurrence rate when it happens. You are probably fine. Avoid rubbing alcohol on the vagina as this may cause a chemical burn and irritation.
Answered 5/16/2018
Stop Picking !: If you have recurrent cold sores, you may benefit from being on long term prophylactic (preventative) anti-viral agent (such as valcyclovir). . Don't pick your cold sores (it will only spread the virus) and don't ever use alcohol around the vagina. You're at increased risk of spreading the virus to other parts of your body and your partner's body, so please consult your md for further evaluation.
Answered 12/17/2017
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