A member asked:

Fell on concrete and i have a gash & knot on my forehead, scraped knees, elbow and left shoulder is real sore?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Injury: When was your last tetanus shot? If you don't know or it has been 10 years or longer, please get a tetanus shot. Regarding your head injury: did you lose consciousness? You can have a concussion with or without loss of consciousness. Headache/ pressure of head? Are you unable to recall what happened? Do you feel dizzy or have ringing in the ears? Confusion or slurred speech? Nausea or vomit.

Answered 10/12/2015



Seek Help: I am sorry to hear about your accident. Best to be seen in an urgent care or emergency room environment. The "gash" and abrasions may need to be cleansed or sutured. Tetanus boosts may be indicated. X-rays may also be necessary. Best wishes.

Answered 9/8/2013



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