What kind? How old?: 4 and under should not be using toothpaste with fluoride. That being said, sodium lauryl sulfate is a common ingredient in most toothpastes; it is the stuff that causes it to foam. It's a degreaser, dissolving skin oils, which can cause a drying effect. It also causes skin irritation and possible rash. Burt's bees natural toothpaste kids fluoride-free is a good choice, & tom's of maine.
Answered 5/21/2015
Rash on face: Sodium laural sulphate , an ingredient that causes toothpaste to foam, may be the culprit. There are toothpastes ( closys is one) that do not have this added.
Answered 8/30/2013
Possibly: Tooth paste has many ingredient . Your toddler can be allergic to it. Best think is to stop the tooth paste and check with an allergist.
Answered 9/5/2013
Possible allergy: Possible allergy, change to a new type and see if it does the same.
Answered 9/16/2013
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