A member asked:

Toddler with rashes that comes and goes. is this serious? rashes (red with small white bumps) all over the body (usually on baby's legs) and face that comes and goes, lasting for about 30 minutes or even less. does not seem to bother my 1 year old but i n

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

You : You can see a small fine red rash after a MMR vaccine but the rash you describe has occurred too long after receiving the vaccine. No need to fear the MMR vaccine. The rash you describe sounds like hives. The next time it happens, take a picture of it to show your pediatrician. Phone cameras are great for documenting short lived rashes like this since odds are your child may not have it at the time of the doctor visit.

Answered 10/9/2016



Fristly---the : Fristly---the MMR vaccine is not related in that any reaction to it would appear in about 5 to 14 days only after given. I wonder if the rash is hives ( urticaria). They come and go and can be both pink in color and/or whitish parts. If they itch ( she would scratch at them ) then this is more likely. Be sure and tell the pediatrician this history with the next routine exam.

Answered 5/1/2018



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