A member asked:

Heart rate 40-50 bpm results from stress test, echocardiogram, ekg, 24hr holter monitor all "normal" could my slow heart b due to genetics/other factors?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Steve Springer answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

The "Brady Bunch": I make the odd reference above simply to highlight that a heart rate slower than 60 docs refer to as "bradycardia". As long as you don't have any symptoms, we usually aren't terribly aggressive treating it...Especially in a young person. For example, most endurance runners or young athletes have a resting heart rate below 60...Higher stroke volume = less beats per minute. That's a good "brady".

Answered 4/17/2016



Heart rate: Asymptomatic heart rate of 40-50 BPM can be normal for an individual if normal sinus mechanism.

Answered 2/3/2020



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