A member asked:

An mri revealed a fracture on the condyle of my femur. will it heal on it's own? what can i do to speed recovery? (knee swelling, lost quad strength)

8 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Ki-Hon Lin answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

Yes: Presumably this is a nondisplaced fracture, otherwise your doctor likely would have recommended some type of intervention, so yes, a nondisplaced femoral condyle fracture will heal on its own. The primary keys to recovery are to work on strength and rom, which you should be able to start at 3 - 4 weeks. Your treating physician will know best as to the timing of your treatment.

Answered 9/4/2013


Dr. Keith Joe answered

Questionable: So...I am guessing that since the "fracture" was found on an MRI that this wasnt a bad injury. It is possible that you had some bone edema in the condyle (which can be interpreted as a fracture). If this is the case then, treat with a good NSAID (motrin/naprosyn), rest, possibly therapy. If you truly have a fracture this may need surgery or at the least a cast.

Answered 10/4/2016



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