Ford v Chevy v Dodge: There is no single best medication for everyone although we try to find best one for you. Great idea to avoid benzodiazepines when possible. Celexa is part of ssri family, most of which are approved for use to treat anxiety, so if maximum dose of Celexa doesn't work, try its cousins, eg lexapro, paxil, (paroxetine) proza, zoloft, etc. Don't forget psychotherapy, too. Both together better than either alone.
Answered 6/24/2014
No single best: There is no single best medication- different things work for different people. However, i would advise not relying only on medication. Even bad anxiety can respond to counseling (like cognitive behavioral therapy), meditation, exercise, emotional freedom technique, homeopathy, supplements like magnesium, b complex, l-theanine & 5-htp & herbs like holy basil & ashwagandha. Consult a holistic doc!
Answered 4/14/2015
Anxiety: Believe it or not the very best medication for anxiety is daily aerobic exercise. Begin slowly and add minutes and intensity daily and you should experience some relief over time. Also excellent nutrition helps as well as the ability to perceive accurately. Try using the anti anxiety app on your phone for daily support. My best.
Answered 5/29/2016
It is best to discuss your medication with your Psychiatrist who knows your medical history. If you are not confident in your Doctor please see another for a second opinion. Meds tend to work more effectively when you also have psychotherapy. Please see a Clinical Psychologist with expertise in multiple types of psychotherapy.
Answered 12/26/2021
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