A member asked:

Is it rare 4 a abcess tooth 2 spread 2 brain /throat.had 1 for a month, going 2 dentist monday.brain mri 4 other reason done 3days ago was neg.am i ok?

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Not likely: It won't spread to your brain but you could get a severe infection that can spread to your jaw or throat and face causing severe swelling called a cellulitis which could be life threatening. But I am sure once you get swelling to your face you would immediately see your dentist.

Answered 1/24/2020



Yes to rare;need ex.: Yes, it is rare to spread to the brain but not unheard of to spread down the fascial planes of your neck, depending on where the abscess is. Congratulations on the negative brain MRI but do keep your dental appointment because an abscess requires an intervention by a dentist to get resolved.

Answered 1/24/2020


Dr. Kayvon Javid answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Hopefully not: There is nothing impossible but it is somewhat unlikely. See a dentist as soon as you can.

Answered 1/24/2020



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How rare is it for a tooth abcess to spread to the brain?

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