CARDIAC disease: Your son has 'dyspnea on exertion' (short of breath with exertion) which can be a 'pulmonary'(lung) problem or a 'cardiac problem'. If he does not have asthma then pulmonary problem may be ruled out (was pulmonary function test completed? ). He needs to see a pediatric cardiologist for a 'complete echocardiogram' to check coronary arteries, valves, etc... Hope he gets well!
Answered 12/9/2013
Heart or lungs: Dr. Seely's point is well taken. Still i'd also like to make certain that asthma has been truly ruled out. Has your son had an exercise challenge, a methacholine challenge, or a mannitol challenge? One or more of these tests should be done to rule out exercise-induced asthma. Many allergists & pulmonologists perform these tests.
Answered 12/20/2012
Exertional asthma: Some patients only wheeze and cough with exertion ie. Running hard or exercising hard. They don't necessarily wheeze at any other time. May want to visit with an asthma doctor and they can test fro this.
Answered 1/22/2014
Exercise-induced sx: It is highly possible that he has exercise-induced asthma (no symptoms at rest, only when physically active as when playing sports/running etc..If he had regular prenatal care with ultrasounds etc..Heart problem is less likely. Your doc may do breathing test in office, or a trial of inhaler use before exercise. If use of inhaler before sports help his symptoms, then u have the diagnosis. Good luck.
Answered 11/27/2017
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