Lamisil (terbinafine): Is the safest and has the broadest spectrum of all the others. There are failures with any medication, and Lamisil (terbinafine) is no exception. I assume your nail(s) were cultured and showed a positive fungus growth, since there are other causes of thick discolored nails besides fungus, which would explain why Lamisil (terbinafine) didn't work on you. Even a positive culture doesn't mean the only cause is fungal.
Answered 10/8/2014
My preference is : Lamisil, (terbinafine) if it did not work before perhaps you needed a booster dosage? Or perhaps you could add a topical treatment concomitant lay or consider adjunctive laser surgery.
Answered 9/28/2016
Why go oral: Neither, really consider using cutera nail laser (3 treatments) with formula 3 or newer topicals and finally steri shoe. This formula works just as good if not better then oral meds.
Answered 5/18/2017
Fungal Toenails: The best and most proven treatment of Fungal toenails is oral Lamisil (terbinafine) . Sporonox is no longer available. BUT, if you have any liver dysfunction, or if you are taking certain medications (particularly for Cholesterol) you can not take the oral medication. Topical therapies are then necessary. There is no evidence that Laser therapy is effective and there is no research that supports it.
Answered 2/26/2018
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