Go see your doctor: You didn't mention your specific diuretic but there are several from which to choose. Sometimes we use 2 from 2 different classes. You should also make sure that you're taking other appropriate medications such as ace inhibitor (or arb), beta blocker, spironolactone, perhaps digoxin (no mortality benefit), BiDil etc. Check w/nutritionist re avoiding salt. Keep track of daily weight. Good luck!
Answered 2/4/2015
Change diuretic?: You should ask your physician, if you are on hydrochlorthiazide (h) if you should go to a loop diuretic, forsemide (f). Patients with chronic kidney disease do not respond to h but do respond to f. If that does not work, ask to have an echocardiogram to see if you have pulmonary artery hypertension (p) and what your ejection fraction is. If you have p, there is medicine for that to lessen edema.
Answered 7/24/2013
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