A member asked:

Seizures(about 5) for the last 6 mo., rapid heart rate, chest pain directly between breasts, dizziness daily, dehydration, and head aches. any ideas?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Daily dizziness: You really should be seen in an er if you have a rapid heart rate (r). You need to be evaluated for hyperthyroidism and/or a cardiac problem. The next time you have one of these r's, get to an er as quickly as possible. If it's present when you are examined, an answer may be found. If not, you will blood work sent off and be sent to the proper physician for treatment and a cure. Good luck.

Answered 7/24/2013



?epilepsy?: Are these "non-epileptic seizures", as I do not see usual anti-epileptic meds. I too am concerned regarding cardiac status, and your symptoms, and agree with need to get properly diagnosed and subsequently treated.

Answered 7/24/2013



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