A member asked:

Pulse 115 & up (h.r. watch), b.p. typically 147/96 on hypertension meds for 2 yrs & 2 meds, temp 99.4-100.8 daily, increased pressure in head, body pain. blood tests & scans normal. doc out of ideas.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Oscar Novick answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Drug side effects: Your increased pressure in your head, body pain, mildly elevated temp and hypertension may be side effects from dexilent that you are taking.

Answered 7/18/2013


Dr. Michael Ginsburg answered

Specializes in Interventional Radiology

Need further work up: Given your young age (24) and poorly controlled hypertension on two meds you should get evaluated in a tertiary care center by hypertension specialist. Need thorough assessment of all medical problems that could contribute to high BP causing secondary htn. These may include an abnormality in the hormones that control blood pressure, or a narrowing in the renal (kidney) arteries.

Answered 12/9/2016



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