A member asked:

What is the nest natural home remedy for sciatic nerve pain in right leg? im facing hip replacement surgery soon in this hip too and i've been having

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

None really: But exercise may assist your rehab after the surgery is completed. The sciatica is possibly an associated hip issue due to involvement of pyriformis syndrome, but may be due to degenerative back issues, so this needs to be also specified. No easy answers here. Best of luck.

Answered 1/5/2015


Dr. Laurence Badgley answered

Specializes in General Practice

Rest: For inveterate sciatica, positional changes can aid in resolution. I have discovered a useful position of resting. A long couch is chosen. The sufferer lies flat on the back. The pained hip-leg is bent at the knee and leaned onto back of the couch. The other leg is placed with foot on the distant arm rest of the couch. An important aspect is to keep head non-flexed & flat on the couch seat.

Answered 7/18/2013



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