Counseling, time &..: My condolences.When someone commits suicide it's common for friends & family to feel partly responsible but usually the departed was very depressed & it has little to do with others.I don't know if you or anyone could have helped if your friend didn't ask for help.Seeing a grief counselor or attending a support group can help.The passage of time will help-acute grief lasts about a year.See comment.
Answered 7/11/2013
Forgive yourself...: I am sorry to hear about your friend. Suicide is a terrible act which often cannot be prevented. When someone chooses to shoot themselves in the head, there is probably nothing anyone can do to stop them. Unless they tell someone beforehand that they plan to do it. When they're that intent on suicide, they usually tell no one. Forgive yourself, mourn & help his family if you can.
Answered 3/26/2015
Let it go: Dr. Baker has given good advice. As a pathologist -- perhaps the most life-affirming of specialties -- i see how senseless most suicides are. Ultimately, no one can assume responsibility for another person's life. We all have times when we are not ourselves, and i think this is what's really going on with suicides. I agree with him that the universe will sort these things out compassionately.
Answered 3/26/2015
Therapy: Find a reputable psychotherapist to help you deal with loss, and feelings of self-blame. Do for yourself what your dead friend CLEARLY was not. Do it now.
Answered 3/26/2015
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