A member asked:

I hear lub-swish-dub only when laying on my stomach. the clinical nurse doesn't listen in this position and she told me to get tested for health anxiety. is it possible to hear a heart murmur only in certain positions?

6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. David Liu answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics

Yes: It is certainly possible to have a murmur that changes with position; an innocent pediatric murmur often will change with position. You may want to have a second opinion.

Answered 6/25/2013


Dr. Rick Koch answered

Murmurs can be: Positional. Especially flow murmurs. An echocardiogram may be indicated for further evaluation.

Answered 6/27/2013


Dr. Donald Alves answered

Specializes in Emergency Medicine

Yes,: Several cardiac auscultation maneuvers make quiet murmurs louder or bring out intermittent ones. One is kneeling on hands & knees (pts think you are kidding or nuts...Until you find the murmur.) i forget which valve sound that enhances, but someone here will tag on that I am sure. Prone is same basic position, just harder to get stethescope under. (rn=2-4yrs, cardiology=4+3+2or3yrs). See cardiol.

Answered 10/24/2017



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