A member asked:

My doc and i are tapering off some meds but i can't choose which one first baclofen furosemide lyrica (pregabalin) or mirapex which would you choose?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Donald Alves answered

Specializes in Emergency Medicine

Quite a spectrum: Sorry, but you must choose--would start with area where having the least symptoms (so med least likely helping you function). Once you decide which this is, when off, re-assess for remainders and repeat with next med. Good luck!

Answered 9/26/2020



Depends.: Depends upon why you are taking the meds and any other co-morbidities. Restless legs syndrome?, chronic pain?, muscle cramps, spasm, dystonia, movement disorder, insomnia? Unless you have heart failure or other clear indication, seems like the Lasix (furosemide) could go away without taper. At the end of the day it might not matter which.

Answered 6/26/2014


Dr. Parham Gharagozlou answered

Specializes in Sleep Medicine

Lyrica (pregabalin)???: Leave Furosemide alone as its dosing is different and related to your internal hydration. Among others Lyrica (pregabalin) is the one with most side effects. It seems you had combination of spasm and pain and discomfort in legs and they avoided opioids that i agree now it is really important what your real pathology is to decide which one.

Answered 6/27/2014



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