A member asked:

My mom had breast cancer. she is doing well but she has the braca 2 mutation. what are the chances she passed it down to me? when should i get tested?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Carlos Encarnacion answered

Specializes in Medical Oncology

50%: Your chance of having your mother's mutation is 50% and you could test now that you are sexually mature. You only need to test for that particular mutation (single site analysis) unless there is suspicious family history in your dad's side too or you are of eastern europe jewish ethnicity. One of the families i follow has a different mutation from each side, so it can happen. Best to you.

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. Travis Kidner answered

Specializes in Surgical Oncology

50%: You have a 50% chance of having the mutation.

Answered 8/5/2013



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