A member asked:

Severe muscle pain, no relief; low grade fever; constant headache w/o relief from otc pain rx, rest, moist heat, etc. painful pulsations felt after bending down (not from waist). no other symptoms.

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Randy Baker answered

Specializes in Holistic Medicine

See a good doctor: How long has this been going on? If just a few days this could be a flu-like illness, probably viral. If more chronic it could be an infection like lyme disease, babesia or bartonella. You might have an autoimmune illness like polymyalgia rheumatica or this could be fibromyalgia. This could also be due to exposure to mold or chemical toxins. You need to see a good doc for further evaluation.

Answered 5/10/2013



See rheumatologist: See rheumatologist. Differential includes inflammatory or metabolic muscle disease, medication side effect and polymyalgia rheumatica.

Answered 11/6/2014



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