Probably not: Inflammatory breast cancer often involves the whole breast with redness, swelling, orange peel appearance of the skin. Localized area as described with healing, new skin is not remenicent of ibc, but best to have it looked at by your doctor.
Answered 5/4/2013
Not breast cancer: It does not sound like breast cancer; likely you have a mastitis, an infection, not uncommon with breast feeding. See your physician to confirm.
Answered 1/15/2014
Breast cancer: Inflammatory breast cancer looks like cellulitis, a bacterial infection of skin and soft tissues. Cellulitis is a painful, hot, red swollen area that spreads rapidly. Usually there is a fever. Inflammatory breast cancer looks similar but skin is more firm, may have orange peel appearance, usually not painful. So what you describe does not sound like it. Please have your dermatologist take a look.
Answered 10/24/2017
3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
A doctor has provided 1 answer
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