A member asked:

W a history of pulmonary embolism & apc-r but not on anticoagulant any longer how long after a surgery (not pe related) do you need to be on it again?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Tracy Berg answered

Specializes in General Surgery

Depends: Good question and need more detail on your case. Important to talk to your surgeon before surgery about this hypercoagulation issue. You may need consult with hematology to fully answer the question about duration of ac therapy.

Answered 8/14/2020


Dr. Creighton Wright answered

Specializes in surgery

Soon: Before and after elective surgery we may bridge with Heparin for afew days and then restart coumadin, (warfarin) when bleeding risk is down. It is a surgical judgement as to likelihood of bleeding and risk if one does bleed in the surgical site. After DVT and pe most are on Coumadin (warfarin) for six months, unless coagulopathies which need lifelong.

Answered 9/28/2016



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