A member asked:

Experiencing ibd like symptoms since years. had my endoscopy and colonoscopy which was normal but colon biopsies and gastric biopsies show surface ulceration and non specific chronic inflammation, cryptitis, lamina propria inflammation.diagnosis?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

It is peculiar to have these abnormalities on biopsy and yet colonoscopy to otherwise be normal. Presumably you have a gastroenterologist; keep working with her. Also ask about a fecal calprotectin test. (Google it for information about calprotectin and inflammatory bowel disease.)

Answered 9/24/2023


Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

It sounds like there is some inflammation in your GI tract. Does your GI doctor think inflammatory bowel disease is a possibility-like Crohn’s disease? This diagnosis would need to fit your clinical symptoms as well as what was seen during endoscopy, not just the biopsy results. So, see your GI doctor for follow up since that doctor can put the whole picture together and make a diagnosis.

Answered 9/24/2023



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