A member asked:

I have no symptoms of ovarian cancer, an incidental blood test showed elevated ca125 of 52. this has caused be extreme anxiety. i had clear ultrasound but worried i have cancer somewhere in my body. im 25 this is making me sick with worry?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

There is a very high incidence of elevated CA 125 without any cancer. Your level is below the range seen in ovarian cancers. Visit the following site for info and talk to your doctor as all lab results need to be interpreted in the clinical context. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1587297/#:~:text=In%2075.7%25%20of%20benign%20tumors,%25)%20with%20malignant%20ovarian%20tumors.

Answered 12/1/2022



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