The illness triggers release of chemical factors that can suppress appetite. If you concentrate on offering simple carbohydrates like breads/rice/potatoes/applesauce this can sometime trigger more feeding activity.
Answered 10/29/2022
It is quite common. Offer soft foods, soup and other non acidic fluids. If there are signs of dehydration, shortness of breath or prolonged cough, please see your physician. The duration of the illness is usually around 10 to 14 days.
Answered 10/31/2022
As with any illness, the flu can cause decreased appetite for both children and adults.In an otherwise healthy child, eating less solid foods will not present much of a problem, but fluid intake is most important (even fluidy foods count for this), so that they don’t become dehydrated. Fever can also increase loss of fluids, so be sure that they are drinking enough to urinate and call Dr if worse.
Answered 10/31/2022
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