A member asked:

High fever 20 days old, needed 7 hips surgerys to not pop out 16 to 30. breast lump removed at 23, ovary tumor rem at 24, 4 years progessing leg spasms, hbp, sens hearing, blurry vision at times, lost 20 lbs in under 2 months, sob, lacy skin,ect help?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

This is far too complex a situation for a helpful reply online, especially in a forum like this with tweet-length questions and replies. At least a couple pages of additional history, exam findings, lab results and imaging would be necessary. It is unlikely all these symptoms are caused by a single diagnosis; probably there are several separate problems. Discuss with your doctors. Good luck.

Answered 10/23/2022



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