A member asked:

Active colitis,acute cryptitis&acute abscess in colon&rectum. doc thinks crohns disease in small intestine. think i'm anemic.rbc 3.47,hemoglobin 10.7,hematocrit 32.4. what type of anemia? i'm fatigued,shortness of breath,numbness in hands. no periods?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

You are mildly anemic, but to determine the type it would be helpful to know the MCV, MCH& MCHC,. Serum iron, TIBC, Vit B12 levels also are helpful. If all these are normal you may have anemia of chronic disease. Numbness can be caused by B12 or folic acid deficiency.

Answered 8/4/2022



If you are bleeding from the gut then your anemia is related to blood loss. With your situation pl see a Gastro. specialist soon.

Answered 8/3/2022



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