A member asked:

What was does mean of unremarkable sonogram of the kidneys? and urinary bladder: is well-distended. wall is not thickened. no facal mass or lithiasis is noted. prevoid volume = 123 cc postvoid volume = 46 cc impression: urine retention (36% of pv v?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Translation= normal study. Bladder muscle thickness normal. No stones or abnormal growths. 1/3 of the urine remained after the person pissed.

Answered 6/22/2022



Your kidneys show no abnormality. The bladder is normal. You did not empty your bladder cmpletely. This could be because it was not completely full or you were made to void before you got the urge. All in all there is no abnormality.

Answered 6/22/2022



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