A member asked:

Diagnosed with a kidney stone due to blood in urine & sudden onset of pain in flank. given pain killers which work but how long does it take to leave the ureter and enter the bladder? no size as no ct done which i dont want. how long do i wait?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hiep Le answered

Specializes in Nephrology and Dialysis

Acute renal colic (pain due to moving stone) usually peaks in 2 hours and gradually subsides due to our body's natural compensatory mechanism although stone has not entered the bladder. Approximately 90% of stones less than 5 mm pass within four weeks. Up to 95% of stones larger than 8 mm can become impacted, requiring intervention to pass.

Answered 4/14/2022



The way to diagnose stone in the urinary tract is by CT-urogram. Less accurate is a plain Xray and Ultrasound. You are handicapping yourself by not having CT for withot which the size, location and the degree of obstruction of the affected kidney cannot be determined. There is nothing to be worried from a low dose CT. Good luck

Answered 4/18/2022



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