A member asked:

Right lower arm and calf go numb when sleeping with upper neck and eye irritation, sometimes eye hard to open. could this be a pinched nerve could it be something else. limbs wake up when i move and turn neck. thank you?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

I can't connect the eye symptoms with the right arm and leg symptoms. For the arm& leg numbness to occur simultaneously pressure on the spinal cord in the neck or a lesion in the left cerebral cortex would cause it. Pressure on a nerve root would'nt cause arm & leg numbness. In your case the position during sleep, an interverbral disc bulge in the neck could be a cause. Consult a neurologist

Answered 3/21/2022



With these unusual combination of symptoms I would see a doctor for an examination and differential diagnosis. Good Luck

Answered 3/21/2022



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