A member asked:

Prescribed hetrazan 100 x 21 days (1-0-1) and inhaler by ent doctor. does this mean i have parasitic worms ? just had some wheezing in chest. eosinophils -12% , absolute e.c.- 636 how did i get these worms ? do these worms lead to elephantiasis ?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

The course may be longer than expected. Please discuss with the ENT physician, 5 days v. 21 days. Did you have a test which indicates a GI parasite? The wheezing may also be related to an allergic reaction. A IgE total serum, assessment of peak flow or pulmonary function test is recommended. In addition, the use of SABA alone is discouraged, and should be used with a steroid for asthma. CVD vac.

Answered 1/9/2022



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