A member asked:

My hemoglobin and hemocrit and rbc blood work came back low. with hemoglobin changing from 12 to 11, to recently 10.4 and currently 10.3 and hemocrit 30....occult stool was negative. iron levels a little high. am tired and weak ..what's cause?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

These results are indeed somewhat low, indicating anemia, but it's mild and probably does not explain your symptoms of fatigue and weakness. However, both the anemia and your symptoms could have a common cause, and all this plus slightly high blood iron level could result from systemic inflammation or infection. Keep working with your doctor on this. Good luck!

Answered 10/17/2021


Dr. Hiep Le answered

Specializes in Nephrology and Dialysis

At your age, bone marrow problem (myeloproliferative disease, multiple myeloma, etc.) ranks first in the differential diagnosis, second in rank is some systemic diseases such as kidney disease, vasculitis, occult malignancy, etc. and third in rank is deficiency in folic or B12. Negative stool guaic does not rule out GI loss but the absence of iron deficiency argues against this problem.

Answered 10/16/2021



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