A member asked:

How can i make my 13 y/o daughter to eat and try different kinds of food? she always eat the same ... only chicken, rice , beans , and fast food, she won't try anything else i cook no matter how much i try, she prefer to not eat than trying something?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Silviu Pasniciuc answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Start eating with her at times, her food. Involve her in cooking whenever possible. Bring it up at next pediatricians visit as well. There are higher forces now, such as peer pressure and Internet spread “truth” that will become hard to oppose during teen years.

Answered 10/16/2021



Some thoughts. At 13 kids often enter a 2nd "terrible 2's" process just with more intensity. Just don't make her what she wants and consider rewarding her for eating from the family feast. She can make her own (work) or try new. Computer time, favorite show selection, etc. whatever she places value on you don't have to provide. The world works on a reward system, this can too.

Answered 10/17/2021



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