A member asked:

I think i have covid. i'm now on my 12th day and i have a cough. i had a chest x-ray and its showing a pneumonial infection. i am given azithromycin, methyprednisolone, and acetylcysteine. i read that steroids are harmful. is it okay? (18, obese?

8 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

Steroids are something the body makes on its own to act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Taking extra in a time of need is standard practice. When used properly they are a safe and effective agent.

Answered 10/10/2021


Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Watch for signs of shortness of breath, prolonged respiratory difficulty and stay well hydrated. Use nasal saline for congestion and rest. Discussion with your physicians re steroid use as an outpatient is recommended.

Answered 10/10/2021



You can request your physician to prescribe Olumiant (baricitinib) which is taken orally if it is confirmed COVID-19. . This will help you to get rid of corticosteroid earlier with minimum side effects. Olumiant is approved agent by FDA for COVID-19

Answered 10/10/2021



One of the serious and relatively uncommon pulmonary reactions is a Cytokine Reaction which can cause intubation on a respirator. There is now good evidence that steroids are important in preventing or treating this.

Answered 10/10/2021



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