There is no reason to check your D-Dimer unless you have a suspect diagnosis of DVT or Pulmonary embolism. In your labs I am more concerned about your Low Hemoglobin(9.4 Gm). You should see your PCP and have him check you for Iron deficiency or find some other cause for your Anemia. A normal hemoglobin level is over 12Gms/dl.
Answered 10/11/2021
Your hemoglobin level is lower than desired. In women it is usually due to iron deficiency from menstrual blood loss. Do consult with your doctor to rule out other causes of anemia. You may take oral iron and multivitamins to address the likely iron deficiency. Wish you good health!
Answered 10/11/2021
Thank you for that question and you’re laboratory reports. I am concerned about the high eosonophil count in your blood. This could be a reactive conditions such as allergy or even a reaction to some kind of parasite. Also there are syndromes where eosinophilia in the lung (eosin pneumonitis). I would check the CBC in a few more weeks and check counts.
Answered 10/10/2021
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