A member asked:

Wbc 4.6, rbc 3.54, hgb 7.1, hct 23.5, mcv 23.5, mch 66.4, mchc 30.1, rdw 19.1, plat 454, neutrophils 2760, lymphocytes 1610, monocytes 138, eosin 92?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

U R seriously sick: This is probably iron deficiency. Even if you are a non-supplementing vegetarian, there's almost certainly something seriously wrong. You have a bleeding stomach ulcer or stomach or colon cancer until proved otherwise. Get with a competent, evidence-based physician now. It's a mistake to try to diagnose anything from a bunch of labs, however abnormal. You're a person, not a bunch of numbers.

Answered 3/23/2014



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